Brand Attributes: The Characteristics of Your Brand Identity

Here at Kona Made, we see branding as a foundational aspect of every successful business. And when we dive into a project, we always aim to build the core tenants of a brand’s mission and vision directly into each brand attribute—so when it all comes together, you have a dynamic, bold, and cohesive brand identity. 

Curious to learn more? Let’s dive into the characteristics of your brand identity and our approach to providing our clients with innovative work every step of the way. 


#1: The Big Picture   

We approach all of our branding and design projects by making small, intentional decisions to influence and impact your ultimate brand identity. 

When working with our wonderful clients, we always like to start the discussion with our Branding Questionnaire asking questions such as: “What does your brand stand for? Who are your direct competitors? How about your target audience?” By beginning with the big picture and the long-term vision for a brand, we can then jump right into building out the individual components of the visual identity with purpose, ensuring that every single attribute of your brand syncs to support your overall mission, vision, and values.

All of the brands we know and love—from monster brands like Nike or Apple to small startups making significant waves in their industries—have detailed, recognizable, and consistent characteristics at every consumer touchpoint. And these touchpoints make their brands trustworthy, authentic, and reliable. 


#2: The Characteristics of Your Brand Identity  

In addition to personality, tone, and messaging, we consider each of the following visual components as characteristics of your brand identity: 

  • Primary and secondary logos

  • Submarks (think badges & text treatments)

  • Custom color palette 

  • Typography styling 

  • Any other details that bring your vision to life! 

A strong brand can be translated across all mediums—from social media and marketing collateral to your website and everything in between. With a robust brand foundation and definable attributes, you’ll be recognizable in an instant.


The Final Product: Our Branding In Action 

From company to campaign branding, our goal everyday is for the characteristics and personality of your brand to ring true—regardless of where the final creative assets may live. 

To help illustrate our approach to developing a memorable brand identity, let’s dive into some recent projects:

Methodize Austin

For Methodize Austin, a company that provides professional organizing services, we a visual identity, accompanying collateral and website that conveys a sophisticated, yet fun and aesthetic. We brought in a rich color palette of blush and deep teal, an elegant serif typeface, and an approachable brand icon. With the company’s core demographic of C-Suite professionals and high-end clients, we wanted the branding to feel elevated, compelling, and—of course—organized and visually appealing. All while also portraying the cheerful vibrancy that their owner, Melissa Young, embodies as well.

Beam Angel Network

Beam Angel Network is the first Texas-based angel network for women-founded companies—and with such an incredible mission, our goal was to develop a visual identity that highlighted their unique, empowering mission.Through an effervescent, youthful color palette and cheerful animations, we developed a brand aesthetic that jumps off the screen through the use of playful brand icons and patterns.

Cervélo — P- & PX-Series: Campaign Branding

We don’t just help brands come to life—we also create campaigns to help companies launch new initiatives and excite their audience. For Cervélo, a manufacturer of racing and track bicycles, we were tasked with bringing a campaign to life to celebrate the launch of two new bike models: The P- & PX-Series.

These two bikes are futuristic, bold, fast, sleek, and extremely athletic—therefore, the look and feel had to lend itself to capturing that powerful story. We developed the “Can’t Fake Fast” logo and wordmark as well as the campaign’s overall aesthetic.

Interested in collaborating with Kona Made on your brand? 

Curious to know how our team can help you define your brand attributes and bring your business to the next level? Check out our list of branding services—and be sure to reach out to us with any questions. We’d love to talk!


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