How to remove hyphens within your text in Squarespace

We all adore Squarespace. We create a beautiful site in desktop mode and then we go to check things out on mobile and there they are… those.damn.HYPHENS!

Fear not my friends, there is a way to get ride of those guys for good with just a few simple lines of CSS!

Head over to your Design > Custom CSS panel.

Once you are there, simply copy and paste this lovely code, save, and see the results!

/* remove hyphens */  

p, h1, h2, h3 {    
 -webkit-hyphens: manual !important;       
 -moz-hyphens: manual !important;         
-ms-hyphens: manual !important;             
hyphens: manual !important;   


@media only screen and (max-width: 480px) 


p, h1, h2, h3 { padding: 0 !important; 
text-align: center !important;}} 

That’s it! Cheers!


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